Wagner’s Nightmare is a cultural exploration and recording project led by Daniel Orsen and Pierre-Nicolas Colombat. It is a tongue-in-cheek send-up to the most controversial and influential composer of all time, Richard Wagner. Every piece on Wagner’s Nightmare is in some way connected to something or someone Wagner did not like. One such thing Wagner did not like was the viola. He even went so far as to specify an alternative to the viola, called the Viola Alta, for his orchestra in Bayreuth. Consequently, significant body of work was written for the Viola Alta by Wagner’s lackeys.Wagner’s Nightmare not only features some of this rarely heard Viola Alta repertoire, but features it performed on an actually Viola Alta (not many are left in existence).
Wagner’s Nightmare is also notable for eschewing streaming and releasing the album with a pioneering distribution method called a Limited Digital Album (LDA), an innovative musical application of Web3 technology that was recently featured in CREATED magazine.
LDAs address the problem of digital scarcity. As of now, digital scarcity does not exist, which is a problem for musicians who want to devote time and effort to recording. When a recording is put up on Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube, it can be played an infinite number of times by an infinite number of customers. The higher the supply, the lower the price - driving musicians’ incentive to record music through the floor. LDAs to avoid third-party middlemen and ensure listeners have access to a unique, limited-release album.
For the Wagner’s Nightmare album a maximum of 1,000 LDAs (keys to access the album) will be created. LDA-holders will receive a digital version of the album with extended program notes, bonus tracks, and higher fidelity than possible on a CD.
The full Wagner’s Nightmare Album is available exclusively at WagnersNightmare.com, where listeners can mint one of 1,000 Limited Digital Albums or purchase a CD. An EP with selections from the album is available on Bandcamp.
Audio Engineer: Peter Atkinson
Branding and Graphic Design: Beck and Stone